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Chicago, IllinoisProfessional Keynote Speaker Laura Schwartz recently spoke to the leadership of Prescient, a Global Risk Management and Intelligence Services Firm based in Chicago. Laura’s Keynote accompanied by a period of question and answer time focused on how we can come out from behind our screens and reintroduce in-person networking into our lives.  Author of Eat, Drink & Succeed, Laura’s acclaimed book on Networking, she focuses on the positive, productive power of networking in a post Covid era….an era of pandemic. Networking with confidence and with respect to others, Laura always emphasizes that you never know when the next conversation could change your life or, more importantly, the life of someone else.

What is Prescient?

Prescient is a Global Risk Management and Intelligence Services Firm based in Chicago. From reputational due diligence to deep and dark web monitoring and background checks, Prescient’s enterprise-wide solutions provide companies with deeper insights that clarify their compliance and reputational risks. Our suite of due diligence, investigation, cyber security, and intelligence solutions empower leaders to make informed decisions to protect their people and preserve their reputation.

About Laura Schwartz

Professional Emcee, Keynote Speaker and Author Laura Schwartz knows how to make live events succeed.  Whether hosting a corporate event or delivering a keynote on stage, Laura brings the experience and energy to make your message resonate with any audience! Laura was voted yearly as one of the 100 Most Influential People in the International Events Industry 2022, 2021, 2020 and 2019. Along with her cast of ITV London, Laura and team won the prestigious Drum Awards “Podcast of the Year” in 2021.

For more information on or to schedule Laura to speak, please contact Ashley Brooks at or 312-767-7415.